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About Warwick
Chamber of Trade
Warwick Chamber of Trade exists for, and is run by, the businesses of Warwick. We have a representation on many bodies that affect the commercial and residential life of the town.
We are committed to work for the good of the town as a whole and work closely with the various local councils and maintain close links with local residents and their associations.

Why join the Warwick Chamber of Trade?
Benefits for members:
* COT website listing *
* Representation on local, county *
& district discussion
* Networking & social events *
* Social media posts promoting business *
to wider Warwickshire population
* Advisory support on local & legal matters *
Ready to join?
Contact us via email:
Or write to:
Warwick Chamber of Trade
The Court House
Jury Street
CV34 4EW

The Chamber of Trade Committee
Here is our executive committee:
Susan Butcher
(Chairperson) of Torry’s Hardware
Peter Knell
(Deputy Chair)
Maggie Garton
Mandy Littlejohn
of Fenetres Etcetera
Mog & Pauline Harris
of Warwick Books
of Warwick Castle
of Warwick Racecourse
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